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a living room with a staircase

Keep water out of your basement or crawlspace

graphic of water issues around a house
water droplets on a gutter
a couple of people looking at a tablet

The Problem

Wet basements and crawlspaces caused by poor drainage is the number one cause of damage to homes. When the issue is not addressed properly and in a timely manner, it can lead to costly and even permanent damage to your home and foundation.

A wet basement, soggy carpet, wall stains, or even puddles during wet weather are all signs of a drainage issue that need to be fixed . Water in a crawlspace is equally important to remedy as it might lead to mold and termites.

Proper high quality drainage corrections will provide total peace of mind to otherwise very frustrating issues.

The Cause

In most cases, there's one culprit: stormwater. It saturates the soil and creates hydrostatic pressure as it pools around your home. Eventually, the stormwater enters your basement or crawlspace.

Once our team completes a custom designed install, you can expect Lifetime Drainage Relief.

The Solutions

Our custom drainage corrections are designed to keep water out of your basement or crawlspace. We address problems at the source to keep your home dry.

a man using a machine
a woman shaking someone's hand
cracked foundation
a garden with a hose
a pipe in the ground

Our process takes every step to protect your property

From quality PVC drainage systems to hardscapes and grading repairs, our solutions are custom, durable, and designed for a lifetime of performance.

You Meet With a Drainage Professional

We come to your home to discuss the problem. Give us a tour of your "problem areas" and share your thoughts on when, why, and how these conditions developed.

We Determine the Source of the Problem

We analyze your home, land structure, gutters, downspouts, and any drainage features you're using. By the end of the visit, we determine the conditions that require attention.

Our Team Creates a Game Plan

Based on our review, we propose specific recommendations. In most cases, we provide pictures or color-coded diagrams to show you exactly how we plan to proceed.

We Provide Drainage Relief

On a scheduled date and time, we take action. Our team installs a custom, long-term solution designed to keep water out of your basement or crawlspace.


Advanced Drainage Solutions

Identify what's causing your drainage problem and correct it at the source - that's our goal at Advanced Drainage Solutions. We diagnose, design, and install exterior drainage corrections.

a stone wall with a stone wall

Request an Estimate

Ready to get started or have questions? Request an estimate below or call us at 770-525-1974.